Jasper Graf von SCHLIEFFEN

I started practicing law in 1996 and have primarily focused on criminal law.

I am co-author of the ›Anwaltkommentar StPO › and ›Anwaltkommentar StGB‹, and also wrote the section on German criminal procedural law and criminal code in the second edition of ›The Practitioner’s Guide to Applied Comparative Law and Language‹, published in 2020.

Since 2005 I have been a specialist solicitor for criminal law and since 2013 a member of the committee of experts for criminal law of the Berlin bar association.

Until 2019 I was the managing director of the organisation office of the Criminal Defense Lawyer Association and helped organize the annual ›Strafverteidigertag‹ (defense lawyers conference)

In Anwälte (Lawyers), a special edition of the German magazine FOCUS, I was voted one of Germany's top lawyers specializing in criminal law in 2017, 2017 and 2018.

I am fluent in both spoken and written English

